Turkey welcomes foreign investors
The Turkish citizenship by Investment Programme was launched in 2016 with much higher minimum requirement figures. The new figure requirements were confirmed in 2018 when the minimum investment figures were reduced making it even easier for investors in Turkey.
The new figures give investors the chance to apply for Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport via investment of a property worth at least 250,000 dollars or via a 500,000 dollar bank deposit. As long as the property is worth a minimum of 250,000 dollars plus fees you can gain citizenship. The spouse and any children under 18 will also gain Turkish citizenship. Your citizenship will remain throughout your life and any children born after will also get citizenship. You can of course have multiple citizenships and multiple passports.
The process takes between 3-6 months following application. The applicant must also hold the investment for at least 3 years meaning this property cannot be sold within 3 years.
A Turkish passport allows visa free travel to 114 countries worldwide.
Residency in Turkey is also available through investment in real estate although this permit must be renewed every 6 months.