TRADITIONAL TURKISH RUGS Made to last a lifetime

TRADITIONAL TURKISH RUGS Made to last a lifetime
20 May 2021

For thousands of year’s Turkish rugs have been the gold standard in floor covering everywhere from nomadic huts to grand palaces.
The difference between a Turkish rug and a shop bought standard rug is that Turkish rugs are made by hand.
A good machine made rug may last for decades, however, a Turkish rug will last for hundreds, even thousands of years. There are many examples of Turkish rugs found intact after millennia.
Handmade Turkish rugs are made differently from rugs made anywhere in the world, Turkish rugs are double knotted. Each piece of yarn is looped twice through the weft, meaning the rug will be sturdier and a lot more durable. Turkish rugs can be made of wool, silk or a wool and cotton blend. All the dyes used are natural, using anything from Rose madder to Indigo to onion skin to attain subtle organic colors.
The most valuable and costly Turkish rugs are made using silk threads and although they are thin their thread is one of the strongest natural materials. Typically, silk Turkish rugs hold 400 threads per inch but an expert weaver can knot as many as 1200 silk threads per inch. The number of threads per inch is the main factor in a rugs value, along with its fiber content.
A fascinating fact is that a Turkish silk rug is made from silk that comes from cocoons rather than silk worms.
Turkish rug prices are not necessarily based on size. The number of knots per inch has the most influence on the cost of a Turkish rug. Turkish rugs or carpets can also be named Anatolian carpets. The oldest Turkish rugs found originate from the 13th century and can be seen in the city of Konya, which for a longtime was the center for Turkish carpet manufacturing.
An interesting fact is that humans and animals are not portrayed in Traditional Turkish rugs as the Quran does not allow this.

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