Don’t drink the tap water
The quality of the tap water in Turkey varies from place to place but it is not used widely for drinking water purposes. You can use it to cook food, make tea or coffee after boiling and brushing your teeth but it is best not to swallow the water. Over recent years filtration systems have been installed in the major cities but locals still choose not to drink this water and tend to use bottled water instead.
Alla turca toilets are still used
These traditional toilets are still found in many places, even big cities. These toilets are more the squat method and if cleaned are still quite hygienic. Normally you will find modern day toilets alongside these traditional ones so the choice is yours.
No tolerance to drug use
Turkey is extremely strict about drug use. There is no leniency when it comes to selling or using drugs in Turkey though smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are accepted. You will find though you cannot go to a supermarket and buy alcohol after 22.00pm but drinking in a restaurant or bar after this time is allowed.
Greetings means a kiss on both cheeks
First encounters tend to be a shake of the hand but when meeting a friend or someone you know the general rule is a kiss on both cheeks regardless of gender. This also tends to be coupled with a quick hug from both sides also.
Be careful when crossing the street
Turkey’s roads do tend to be more frantic than in other European countries and pedestrian crossings don’t mean much to traffic so it’s always best to cross the street at a traffic light and even then it’s a good idea to check all cars are at a complete standstill.