3 December 2020

The Kent kart system was first launched in Turkey in 1998 and is a great innovation allowing for prepaid travel on a variety of public transportations throughout various parts of Turkey. This includes buses, trams, metros, ferries, motorboats and even entry into some attractions. The Kent kart is the size of a bank card and can be topped up with funds from local vendors displaying the Kent kart logo. Recently there have also been many vending machines installed near to bus stops to make topping up even easier. The transportation will have a small credit card like reader at the entry point. You simply hold your card on the reader for a second and the necessary amount for your journey will be automatically deducted. This system is a great benefit due to no more needing to queue to purchase tickets and so forth.

Most regions in Turkey now use this system but each having a slightly different name for example the Izmir Kart, Mugla Kart, Istanbul Kart.

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