One thing you will realize when visiting Turkey is that being social is part of the Turkish Culture. Turkish people love to socialize and meet new friends they would think nothing of spending half the day talking to a complete stranger whilst putting the world to rights.
When walking through the towns and streets of Turkey expect to hear ‘Hosgeldiniz’ from many cafes and restaurants. This means ‘Welcome’ and you will hear this word a lot. The reply to this is ‘Hos bulduk’ which means ‘we feel welcome’.
If you are a female the only establishments to be aware of are the Turkish Tea Houses. Culturally women don’t go in these establishments. Instead look out for Turkish Tea Gardens where couples and families go. If in any doubt, take a look at who else is inside. Countless tables filled with gentlemen playing Back gammon or Okey (a Turkish game) means it’s a no go area for females.
Turkish people love to host and invite anybody around to their house. It could be just for breakfast or for a more formal meal. Remember to say ‘Hos bulduk’ when entering in response when they welcome you. Shoes in the house are generally not allowed, but don’t worry, you will be given a pair of slippers known as terliks.
Now, when you get an invite to a Turkish home for dinner make sure you have a completely empty stomach. Plate after plate will be bought out for you and Turkish people don’t take no for an answer. You will eat the meal and soon afterwards there will be popcorn, fruit and nuts bought out with either Turkish tea of coffee. If the hosts are living in a city or they are modern you will dine at a table but in the villages the food will be on a large sheet on the floor with you and the hosts sitting around it on the floor. At the end of the meal it’s a nice idea to say ‘Ellerine saglik’. This means ‘Health to your hands’ and is appreciation for a good meal. Normally the women will be fiddling around in the kitchen preparing the food or clearing away whilst the men gather in the living room discussing daily events and generally gossiping.
It’s a rule for Muslims that the dishes must not be washed in stagnant water so there is always a bowl for the dishes to be cleaned in. Turkish women also always rinse the dishes under clean running water to wash off any suds. You will come to realize there’s never a plug in Turkish sinks and this is the reason why.