Earthquakes A What you Need to Know Guide

19 January 2022

This blog includes information given by AKUT and is an Earthquake Awareness Presentation.

It tells you everything you need to know if the unfortunate event of an earthquake happens.

The presentation was given at the Ozur Olgun Cultural Center, and was delivered by External Relations Manager, Engin Muftuoglu. Local residents and officials from the Fethiye Municipality, including Yavuz Topates, consul to Fethiye Mator, Alim Karaca and Devrim Ozturk, Municipality councilor.
Also, much information comes from Melissa Jones, who wrote an article for the Fethiye Times Website.

An earthquake is a series of seismic waves in the earth’s crust, caused by a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust which eases tectonic strain that has built up along geological fault lines.

What to do before an earthquake happens

Make sure that the building where you live has been inspected to ensure that it meets the appropriate building standards.
Make sure that your property and personal effects are insured against any loss that results from an earthquake.
Identify safe places in your home or property and inform any family members.
Find a safe meeting place for your family in case you get separated when an earthquake occurs.
Make sure you know how to switch off your utilities. They should be switched off in this order, gas, electric and water. However, if you smell gas, don’t touch the electrical supply and promptly leave the property.
Make sure any furniture such as tall bookcases and large mirrors are secure, so they don’t topple over and injure someone.
Have an emergency bag ready that should include the following items.

Drinking water
Non perishable food items
First aid kit
Important medicines

Other items advised to pack are
ID or Passport
Important Documents, such as insurance and title deeds.

An important list of emergency phone numbers

Ambulance- 112

Police- 155

Fire- 110

Forest Fire- 177

Natural Gas- 187

Jandarma- 156

Coastguard- 158

AKUT- 0212 217 0410

In the Mugla region you can reach all emergency services by dialing 112. The numbers may differ depending on the region of Turkey that you are in.

If an earthquake happens, what to do

Firstly, try not to panic, easier said than done but try not to.
Protect yourself in the safe places you have previously chosen.
If the building is structurally sound and furniture is secure, squat or crouch down.
If you are outside, keep away from any trees or electrical posts. Also, keep clear of any buildings and stay aware of your surroundings. If you are on a floor above ground level do not use elevators or jump from windows.

What to do after an earthquake

Stay calm and remain with your family. Vacate the property if possible and grab your emergency bag. Vacate the property quickly and calmly.
Head to your designated location.
Keep away from any damaged buildings and do not re-enter any buildings until it is safe to do so.
Expect aftershocks, so if they happen protect yourself and your family.

What to do if you are under rubble

Cover your nose and mouth with material or cloth to avoid inhaling dust. Don’t move around too much to avoid further collapse and more dust.
Shout at regular intervals to get attention, or bang against any pipes with a hard object if there is one nearby.
If you have a whistle in your emergency bag, use it.
Listen to your surroundings and try to communicate with anyone you can hear close by or who may also be trapped.

By taking these precautions and steps that are covered in this blog, you will be as prepared as you can be for any emergency that arises.

Property Information