Its worrying times for the locals of Fethiye over people still not abiding by the mask wearing laws during this global Corona Pandemic.
Luckily however, Fethiyes numbers have remained considerably low even during the height of the summer tourist season. Other parts of Turkey however have not been so lucky and officials are now considering much harsher punishments for those who do not abide by the current laws. A report states authorities plan to introduce prison terms for anyone who goes against quarantine rules that have been put in place. Any person who breaks quarantine rules can be sentenced to up to one year in prison. The government is not considering any more curfews or lockdowns but will monitor each individual area and use specific measures accordingly.
Also more fines will be handed out on the spot to anyone breaking the laws of social distance or mask wearing. These rules do not only apply to Turkish citizens and many tourists have faced fines over the last month for not abiding by these rules.