All About Dangerous Animals and Bugs in Turkey

26 February 2022

Dangerous animals or creepy crawlies in Turkey are normally hiding out under rocks, on the mountains or deep in the ocean.
The truth is, unless you are planning to visit the very rural areas of eastern Turkey, you really don’t have anything to worry about.

Anyone spending their holiday in Turkey in resort areas will have nothing to fear. In fact, the most annoying bug in Turkey is the well known mosquito flies, which are not dangerous but highly frustrating.
These annoying little critters are found everywhere, especially near water. In Turkey though, they do not transmit Malaria and you will see in many towns, villages and cities, during the summertime, that local councils travel around in trucks and spray out repellent to keep them at bay.

For other and more dangerous animals and bugs, keep reading.


There are around 12 species of venomous snakes found in Turkey, mainly belonging to the viper family.
You most probably won’t even see one because snakes are very shy creatures.
Most of these venomous snakes are found in Turkey’s southeastern regions. If you do happen to get bitten, see a doctor immediately and try to get a look at the snake so the doctor knows how to best treat it.
There are over 30 species of non- venomous snakes found across Turkey but, like in most countries, they are no threat what so ever.

If you are in a tourist town and see a snake it’s probably a small grass snake. However terrifying it may be, just walk away without provoking it. Very few people are admitted to hospital each year from a snake bite and luckily no one has lost their life.


There are a few venomous spiders in Turkey but you rarely come across them. The venomous species are usually found in the east of Turkey and include the Brown Recluse spider and the Black Widow spider.
The jumping spiders are very common in Turkey and can often be spotted. They do bite if provoked but it is not venomous and can be more of an irritation than anything to worry about.
In rural regions of eastern Turkey you may experience the Camel spider, the Huntsman spider and Yellow Sac spiders. They can bite but their poison is too weak to be a killer, but they can bring on nasty symptoms and be quite painful.
Most of the time the spider will be more afraid of you than you are of it. If you do unfortunately get bitten, describe the spider to a doctor so they can ensure a quicker and easier treatment and recovery.


Scorpions are pretty common in Turkey due to the climate and location.
Most reports of scorpion bites come again from the southeastern regions of Turkey.
Scorpion bites can be painful but they normally rarely deliver fatal stings. The younger scorpions are slightly more dangerous because they deliver more poison than the adults.
Scorpions usually come out at night, but during the day hide under rocks or items outside.
There are around 15 species of scorpion found in Turkey belonging to the Buthidae, Luridae, Euscorpiidae and Scorpionidae families.
Most bites recorded happen in the southeastern regions followed by the Mediterranean and Aegean, normally during the summertime when the weather is hot and dry.


These amazing creatures are not dangerous and never kill, but can bite.
It’s more of an irritation that’s caused from a bite more than anything to worry about. There are approximately 5000 centipede bites reported each year in Turkey. If you do unfortunately get bitten, clean the area well and apply a cold compress.


Yes bears!!
The Syrian brown bear is very rare and is now considered an endangered species. They are mostly found in Western or Central Turkey. They have light brown fur with a dark stripe down their backs.

Wild Boar

These black hairy pigs are found all over Turkey and can be seen regularly. Normally they are scavenging for food near dustbins and very rarely attack. Some can actually be quite friendly from personal experience.
They usually come out early evening to find food but quickly run away and back to the mountains if disturbed.


There are two types of jellyfish found in the Turkish Mediterranean, the Rhizostoma and the Moon jellyfish. Both these species are not dangerous.
However, due to the warming of the waters, new jellyfish species have been seen in Turkish waters.
Rhopilema Nomadic has slowly migrated to the Mediterranean and its sting can be very painful and sometimes dangerous.
If you do unfortunately get stung, get to a doctor fairly quickly for treatment.


Everyone hates mosquitos and even though they are not dangerous, they are still extremely annoying and unfortunately found everywhere, especially near water.
In Turkey though, they luckily do not transmit Malaria.
In many cities, towns and villages across Turkey, during the summertime, local councils travel around in trucks and spray out repellent that keeps them at bay. So basically, if you are travelling through tourist resorts and holiday hotspots, the worst animal or creepy crawly you will come across is the odd spider or mosquito.
If you are heading east, to rural locations or mountains, you could come across things that are a little bit more nasty.
Always check inside shoes before wearing them and if you love gardening, always wear gloves and be careful when lifting rocks. You don’t know what could be hiding underneath

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